About Page test

“Take a Hike gave me something to live for, and it gave me goals and motivation. I thought I was going to drop out of high school at 16, and now I love learning.”- Healey, grade 11 


The Need for Take a Hike 

  • Approximately one in seven school-aged children in BC experience one or more mental health issues. 

  • Only one third receive the specialized mental health treatments they need. 

  • Between 50-70% of mental health and substance use issues show up before the age of 18.  

  • The number one determinant of youth mental health is school connectedness, superceding family connectedness. 


A Proven Model

The Take a Hike program model is supported by twenty years of practice-based evidence, academic research, and hundreds of youth realizing success.

Take a Hike empowers vulnerable youth to change the trajectory of their lives with a full-time mental health and emotional well-being program embedded in an alternate education classroom. Partnering with public school districts across BC, we engage youth in intensive, continuous clinical counselling, outdoor experiential learning, and community, supporting youth to develop the skills and resilience they need to graduate high school, build healthy relationships, and navigate their own path to success.  

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Our public school partners offer high- quality education that leads to high school graduation.  

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Cross-curricular and experiential learning are the norm, with academics integrated into 65% of non-classroom days.  

Clinical Counselling 

A unique feature of the program is a full-time registered clinical counsellor embedded in each classroom to provide early intervention and prevention mental health supports. For many youth, Take a Hike is their first encounter with clinical counselling.   


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Take a Hike uses the outdoors and adventure to engage youth in academics, clinical counselling, and community with weekly field -trips and two to three multi-day wilderness trips each year. 

Regular exposure to nature increases physical, mental, and well-being outcomes, and can increase cognitive control and strengthen attentional processes. Removed from everyday stressors and distractions, the natural world helps youth self-regulate and engage in self-reflection.  


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Connection and belonging are at the heart of our program. Staff develop safe and caring relationships with youth before any work takes place. Over 40 volunteers supported our program this year, providing youth with a direct experience of the wider community who care about their well-being. Each week our youth volunteer with local organizations to give back to their community for the support they receive in the program, and in turn youth come to appreciate the impact and value of their contributions.  


Program Locations

Take a Hike program locations and 2019 - 2020 multi-day wilderness trip destinations
