Bringing Kids Together

Alumni Reflection

Reflecting on his experience at Take a Hike, Class of 2018 graduate Bernie Smith said the sense of camaraderie stands out. 

Bernie described the difference between what he’d experienced in mainstream school, where many kids felt social anxieties and pressure to fit in.

Compared to a big high school, where you have lots of groups and not much interaction, Take a Hike is one big group of kids, so you never feel like you’re not part of the group,” he said.

At Take a Hike, I felt like ‘we’re all in this together,’ I felt like I really connected to some of the kids.

For Bernie, the adventure-based learning solidified these relationships: “Going out on the long trips – it’s tough. Some of those kids have never camped out for a week before, and those experiences bring the kids together. Maybe there’s one kid that’s a little bit shy - he might not talk as much; he might be a little more closed off. But during those times when we’re out there for that long, we’re spending a lot of time together and that kid might open up a little bit and make friends, and then people can see who they are. 

Mental health amongst younger people is a huge thing, and at Take a Hike there are staff there that can help these kids immediately, when they need it.

“I think the mental health situation is definitely a problem amongst today’s youth, and in normal school it's hard for some kids to come out and ask for help. They might express it in different ways that they need help, but it’s not picked up on. Whereas the staff at Take a Hike will come in and try to help these kids. They make the time, and they look beyond the surface. 

“Even the volunteers that came in, there was one volunteer I remember I would talk to when I had things on my mind. It was just good to have someone else there who could listen.” Bernie said the most significant impact of Take a Hike was developing maturity: “I feel like I wouldn’t have been able to develop myself as much. I don’t think at a mainstream school you get those experiences that build character. It’s hard to explain but I think it’s maturity.”  
