A Community Coming Together

The COVID-19 crisis came at a critical time when youth were entering the final months of their year at Take a Hike, and many were preparing to graduate. 

In March, we immediately moved our programming online to ensure continuity of support for our 125 youth and their families:

  • Connected with each youth and their family to provide support and critical information about the rapidly changing situation at the outset of the crisis.   

  • Provided virtual (online and telephone) one-to-one clinical counselling, family therapy, and mediation sessions for youth and their families.   

  • Led virtual daily group counselling sessions to maintain structure, connection, and a supportive community for youth.   

  • Supported youth to continue engaging with academics while adapting to an online learning environment, then to a modified in-person environment.   

  • Developed creative ways for youth to continue engaging with physical activity and the outdoors using online and socially distanced methods.  

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Take a Hike has really come through for me. Just like in the classroom, in quarantine, the support has been amazing. There are constant check-ins, every time we go into class we check-in with our physical and mental state. We have mini groups every week, and we have a big group every week where we just talk about what’s been going on through our heads and through our bodies. And it’s just really, really supportive.
— Avery, Grade 11