
 Take a Hike would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to everyone who generously supported Take a Hike with a gift in 2020 – 2021. Your continued support makes it possible for Take a Hike to continue changing the lives of youth in our communities!


Leadership Circle - Lifetime Giving of $100,000 +

BC Gaming

Phillip Cotterill

First Light

Tony and Laura Gage

Larry and Maureen Lunn

Peter and Shelley

BC Civil Forfeitures

Ames Family Foundation

Dick and Val Bradshaw

Bob & Judy Hager Family Fund

Delta School District

Flavelle McTavish Charitable Gift Fund

Ian and Rosemary Mottershead

PNG Enterprise

Barb and Paul Sweeney

Jean and Ken Finch

Frances Mastrandrea

Harlow and Mary Ann Burrows Family Foundation


Nicola Family

R.J. Nelson Family Foundation


Leadership Circle - Lifetime Giving of $50,000 +

Betty Averbach Foundation

Grant and Laurene Cameron

Dr. Ann Worth Charitable Foundation

Estate of Katherine J. Heller

Face the World Foundation

David and Susan Heal

McCall MacBain


Deb Nelson and
Michael Goldberg

Dorthy May Elizabeth
Fobin Ryan

Edward Wilson

Patricia Jacobsen

JTC Heersink

John and Dana


Raymond James Canada Foundation

Strachan Hartley Legacy Foundation

Regional District of Central Kootenay

 Major Donors - $50,000+

Nicola Family Foundation

Harlow and Mary Ann Burrows Family Foundation

 Major Donors - $25,000 - $49,999

Connor, Clark & Lunn Foundation

Jean and Ken Finch

Pacific Spirit Foundation

First Light

Phillip Cotterill & Janice O'Sullivan

NWM Private Giving Foundation

Flavelle McTavish Charitable Gift Fund

Paul Sweeney

Barb Sweeney

 $10,000 - $24,999

ATCO Wood Products

Bob & Judy Hager Family Fund

Betty Averbach Foundation

Canadian Tire Jumpstart


Young Foundation

Holland Family Charitable Foundation

Island Health

The Saint John's Legacy Foundation

 $500 - $9,999

Align Construction Ltd

Paul Balfour and Cynthia Miles

Christopher and Mei Lin Bissonnette

Erwin and Connie Braun

Alexander Burns

Terry and Marillee Campeau

Community Foundation of Castlegar and District

Lotte and John Davis

Mr. Vagn Eriksen

Fjall Raven

Michelle and Martin Gerber

GMR Foundation

Brita Harrison Brooke and Roy Brooke

Timothy Hawke

Brad Holland

Patrice Impey

Roy Johnson

Angelika Kleta

Donald Lintott

Colin MacAskill

Taylor Martin and Jordan Booth

Deborah Meredith

Alex and Selena Mossman/Lam

John and Claire Nicola

John Phillips

Regional District of Kootenay Boundary

Paula and James Rogers

Kate Ross

Les Sluggett

Timothy Smith

Andrew Sweeney

Tim Gale and Patricia Evans

Trail Hockey Club Society

Waldman/Schnier Charitable Fund

Edward Wilson

Margot Suzanne Woeller

Andrew Mahon Foundation

Emily Beach

Erica Branda

Mr. Mathew Braun and Ms. April Funk

Tania Burt

Coastal Charters Robert Cowan

Marie Cone

Norma Dechene

Galen and Michelle Finnman

Stephen Forgacs and Pamela Lee

Google, Inc.

Greyagtes Foundation

Glen Harry

Laurie Hetherington

Hotcore Products Limited

InFocus Canada

Sevan Kadian and Travis LaMarche

Michael Langtry

Lohn Foundation

Philip Mansfield

Catherine and Robert Martin

Mid Island Co-op

Nanaimo Canoe Kayak Club

Russell and Berniece O'Neill

PWL Partnership Landscape Architects Inc.

Jeffrey Robinson

Rompf Holdings

Mark and Dan Sander

Deb Abma-Sluggett

Mr. Dion and Tracy Steyn


Tim Tong

Thomas Tutsch

White Spot Restaurant

Windward Foundation

Andre Zimmermann

Noreen Angus

Monika Becker

Mike Brankston

Clayton & Rohanie Buckingham

Brent and Julie Cameron

Drew Collier

David and Karen Cowper

Deep Cove Canoe and Kayak

Rosa Flinton-Brown

G&F Financial Group Foundation

Ron and Janet Gosney

Hamber Foundation

Robert and Sue Hastings

Highway Three Solutions

Kiwanis Club of Trail

William John

Rudy and Elizabeth Kerklaan

Kathy Leavens

Jacqueline Lui

Sunny and Stewart Marshall

Gordon Matchett

Steven Morin

Deb Nelson and Michael Goldberg

Lisa Ottevangers

Regional District of Central Kootenay

Rockwood Adventures

Aaron Rosenberg

Leigh Sauder

Maxine Smalley

Eric Stockner

The Bayer Foundation

Traction on Demand

Vancouver Film Studios

Wilderness Alert

Withers Family Fund

 Monthly Mountain Giving Club

Megan Bain

Monika Becker

Josephine Brayshaw

Robin Carkett

Sarah Coxon

Ivy Dreger

Cindy Fors

Brita Harrison Brooke

Larissa Hayes

Roy Johnson

Kathy Leavens

Gordon Matchett

Steven Morin

Ms. Jo-Ann Purcell

Rockwood Adventures

Nicole Silvestre

Deb Abma-Sluggett

Tim Smith

Lisa and Paul Torreggiani

Cameron Wong

Ms. Tracey-Lee Barr

Sian Blyth

Alexander Burns

Victoria Caros

Vince Critchley

Ms. Emily Fergusson

Aderita Guerreiro

Samuel Hasty

Ms. Ann Jensen

Sevan Kadian

Shirley Loi

Jack Mercer

Neil Normandeau

Shaun Rawlins

Kate Ross

Mason Slavner

Charlene Smith

Paul Sweeney

Jennica Vegelahn

Graham Young

Emily Beach

Erica Branda

Nicky Calvert

Virginia Chomley

Norma Dechene

Cait Flanders

Isolde Hager

Timothy Hawke

Michelle Johnson

Travis LaMarche

Crystal MacCallum

Jose Moreno

Lisa Ottevangers

Marnelle Roberts

Owen Rowley

Les Sluggett

Dulcie Smith

Shawn Taylor

Karen Waldal