Our Youth

Our youth are capable and motivated individuals who have experienced difficulty succeeding in the mainstream school system.

Each of our youth has a unique background and life experience, and the program responds to their individual and complex needs.  

  • It is common for Take a Hike youth to be identified as needing additional support with behaviour or mental health (BC Ministry of Education ‘R’ or ‘H’ designations). Many have experienced some kind of trauma or mental health concerns and may have coped in destructive ways.

  • 87%  of youth came from families in financial need  

  • 13% identified as Indigenous and 23% as visible minorities  

  • 69%  identified as male, and 31% as female

Youth at Take a Hike infographic.png
Take a Hike gave me the opportunity to grow but I am the one who has to take the initiative and pull through all the hardship and lessons. Looking back, I am incredibly proud of my journey and how far everyone has come. It’s been an incredible two years, and my life has done a total 180 for the better.
— Kelly, Grade 11